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Marianne t.
I just recently purchased. “Strong Women Stay Young” so I’m only a few weeks in, but I am loving it so far. I’m waking up muscles I forgot I had and feeling a renewed sense of confidence and capability. I’m remembering why I loved Kathy all those years ago – I was such a fan and she kept me in the best shape of my life. It’s like working out with a trusted, supportive friend. I’m so happy to rediscover her, and these workouts give me hope I can get back into shape all these decades later.
I also love that I can buy Kathy ‘s products with confidence (I have her inspiring “Eat for Vitality” program as well), thanks to her excellent customer service. Paige is so responsive to every question I have and just lovely to deal with. A winning combination! ☺️
Janice M.
Thank You
Natascha E.
Magda S.
I love the shoulder exercises
Ramona D.
Anita R.
Good program!
Janis A.
Clothes fitting better have more energy!
Unknown N.
I love having a workout calendar! It makes it a no-brainer to schedule my day!
Locelia P.
Love the series and varied work outs. I have been feeling great and losing the weight! Some of the content get choppy and the words do not sink with the lips but it’s all good!
Can we also have a choice to purchase the video versions?
Manon N.
Thr first tip weeks were very motivating, it helped me believe that because I'm 50 it doesn't mean I can get into shape. Loved the morning emails with the work outs and the recipe!
Yvonne C.
I am 60 years old and was looking for an at-home program that was well rounded and came across Kathy Smith’s Strong Women Stay Strong Package. I bought myself some handheld weights (3,5,10 and 15 lbs) and have been alternating between her upper and lower body workouts about four days a week with some yoga and 20 minutes on my elliptical machine on the other days. I feel good. I feel pushed. I feel that I am getting stronger without any danger of injury. Kathy seems like a sweetheart and her enthusiasm and energy are very motivating.
Linda A.
I am almost a month in the full body toner program. I really like it as it is basic enough for us oldies while really feeling the change. I just received the wgt loss protein powder for my smoothies and can’t wait (weight ) to try it. Thx Cathy.
BTW I’m 72 and not willing to slow down anymore than I have to.
Linda Anthony
Virginia T.
This was my second purchase and I like that the routines suit my fitness level - not too hard or too easy!
Nathalie B.
Great exercises in the toner program which I follow everyday but bot following the meal plan, only some receipes.
Anique T.
Easy to follow and I love the way Kathy gives us tips with posture and encouragement.
Elisabeth F.
I have always tried to eat healthy and stay active. I was in pretty good shape. My life took a twist last Spring when I contracted covid while helping out in an outbreak. 10 days into my isolation, I developed a collapsed lung. I have recuperated but still have a chronic cough, mild shortness of breath with stair climbing and orthostatic hypotension. I decided to try Kathy’s workouts as I was really struggling with stamina and motivation. I feel good AFTER the circuit workout and what keeps me going is how I am going to feel physically and mentally after I consistently do her exercises everyday. My desire is to get some better core strength and feel better mentally. Her recipes and eating plan has also made me more aware of how and what I eat and I incorporate that into my regular diet. I know I have come a long way and with Kathys help, she is keeping me accountable. Thank you.
Carmen R.
I really liked Kathy's for many many years, I was so happy when I found she had online classes, Kathy is the best
Chantale H.
Love the way schedule is laid out with variation in workouts and cardio/interval days.
Danielle C.
I am loving the Kathy Smith workout videos! Feeling stronger every day :) Feeling fab over 50
Lorraine S.
I am following Kathy's execise for almost 30 years, back and forth, and it feels good to connect with her and her amazing workout that are always as effective. Thank you,
Tracy M.
I’m 58 have been doing yoga and walking for quite some time. I hate exercise pretty but now I stumbled across Kathy smith I love it. It’s a great mix of workouts that cover the entire body. I have the biggest sweet tooth but now that I feel better about myself I’m not as interested in sweets. Thanks Kathy and one day I will master the tricep push-ups on my fingers lol.
Gail A.
This meal plan and recipes include information to educate yourself about eating healthy and recipes to make it easy to implement. My favorite so far is the smoothy and the small plate method for portion control. Thanks KS!
gayle s.
You are so enthusiastic and have a perfect level of challenge. Thanks for your years f kerping us healthy
am a.
so happy KS has donethis
Kathleen S.
This is just what I need and I love that it is tailored to women my age.
Susan J.
I feel so much better as a mom and a woman. It is one day at a time. Stay strong. Thank you Kathy Smith and team.
Karen D.
After loosing my husband I lost my way, put on weight, lost my self esteem, my self confidence. I lost me. But this programme has helped bring me back and propelled me forward into the next phase of my life. Thank you so much. X